Need to make a change,
feel better or achieve more?

Welcome to Shetland Resolve

Sometimes we strongly want to make a positive change or overcome an issue that has been bothering us and no matter how hard we consciously try, success just seems to elude us!

With a little help, that can so easily be changed and the seemingly impossible will soon become readily achievable.

Diane Taylor, Shetland Resolve

Meet Diane

Diane Profile

"Through online sessions Diane helped me through episodes of insomnia. Would recommend anyone struggling right now to access their sessions online or through a phone call as I always found myself in a better mindset after mine." - Helen

Whether you have a personal challenge or a business related concern, I can help you rapidly achieve your desired results in just a few short sessions.

By using a combination of coaching, deep relaxation, hypnotherapy, EFT and NLP techniques, l will help you find lasting solutions that really work for you and your situation.

Fear of Flying?

Holidays spoiled by a fear of flying? I can help!

Find Out How

Book a Consultation

With the option of face to face, online or telephone.

Book Initial Consultation

Relaxation Audios

Deep relaxation audios with a Shetland theme

Relaxation Starts Here

"Today's Reflection is Tomorrow's Guide" - Diane Taylor

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